Monday, May 25, 2009

H'ALLON MAYIM - חלון מים

Swimming in the middle of the night,
staring at the full moon,
singing in the calid Pacific Ocean,
I got lost in your eyes... like a fool.

Then, suddenly, the receding tide
stranded me on your shore...
Not that I couldn't swim back;
maybe I just didn't want to leave
despite the foreseen result...

But life is to live
with some one like you.
Come sway me back
to the plentiful water of your love...

I'm like the whale,
you are the planet I sing for.
My love melody...

Your eyes the ocean... the window,
the glance I stare for,
the water window to your insight...
your underlying truth.

Let your soul look at mine,
you'll find that we are soul mates,
swimming in the Grace of G-d's love.

I'm still here, waiting...


2 P10.

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