I was just thinking today...
You are not another perfect woman;
not like a super-model full of makeup
and misleading fashion...
You are a real woman, a girl...
the sweetest of all...
When I see you
I feel completely filled...
you give me everything...
just like that... in a split second,
in just a glimpse...
You fill everything in me,
you crawl deep within my thoughts,
my dreams... my inner strength.
There are moments in life I can never forget,
and there is that in life... just a thought,
a memory, that’s all we can get some times
or all we want to keep by choice.
But what I know at this moment,
letter by letter, line after line
breath by breath is...
that I still fancy you.
Even when I think
I’m not thinking about you...
all of a sudden, unexpectedly,
you show once again.
I can tell you these have been
the first lines I've written
since I last wrote for you a few months ago,
and it is still as vivid as if I had just placed
the last period.
The same feeling...
the same inspiration...
the same muse and...
the same question...
I must chance it again,
whatever the outcome...
Maybe I’m just too obstinate or simply mad.
I don’t know but I definitely want to know...
I still want to know exactly what happens.